Cabecera (informacion); Header; Headers
= head, label, leader, masthead [mast-head], record label, head, headwaters.
Nota: De un río.
Ex: The running title is the title, or abbreviated title, of the book repeated at the head of each page or at the head of the versos.
Ex: The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.
Ex: Leader fields contain coded information required at the beginning of all MARC records.
Ex: The masthead is the statement of title, ownership, editors, etc., of a newspaper or periodical.
Ex: The label contains information about the record, indicating, for instance, its length, status, for example, new, amended, type and class.
Ex: The chief members of the impression carriage were two upright cheeks about 2 m. high and placed 60-65 cm. apart, carrying between them the winter and, above it, the head, two massive cross timbers mortised into the cheeks which contained the vertical thrust of the impression.
Ex: Minneapolis, the first great metropolis at the headwaters of this life-giving waterway, will be the perfect site for the 2004 MCN conference.
* cabecera repetida = running head, running headline.
* campo de cabecera = leader field.
* médico de cabecera = general practitioner (GP), family practitioner, family doctor.
* título de cabecera = caption title.